Pavel Továrek - born 1980 in the Czech republic
Artistic blacksmith and sculptor.
Pavel picked up his first experience at age of 15 in a blacksmith shop of Jan Španihel in Brno. After traditional three-year apprenticeship he traveled as a journeyman and cooperated with blacksmiths in Czech republic.
In the year 2003 he opened own shop near his house in Březina.
2005-6 went to Italy and worked with Claudio Bottero and Roberto Giordani for almost two years.
2008- his first three months tour in the United States, colaborate with Shawn Lowell.
2010-11 his second journey to USA and he worked with Jim Austin,Jon Sarriugarte an Tim Cisneros.
He lives in Bělá u Jevíčka in the Czech Republic
Shows and demonstrations
2000 Hefaiston demonstration at castle Helfštýn
2002 demonstration in Miscolc (Hungary)
2003 bienale of blacksmith art in Stia (Italy)
2004 Feraculum in Ybbsitz (Austria)
2006 Feltre (Italy)
2008 CBA O'fest (USA)
2009 exhibition in Jevíčko together with painter Michal Gloser (Czech rep.)
2009 Hefaiston a jury mention for his works
2010 exhibition and show in "Cricked Engine Gallery" in Oakland (USA)
2012 Hefaiston third place for his sculptures